

Hello. My name is CaRLo. I am 60 years old.  I used to have difficulty doing my job as a flight crew because of inflamation on both my shoulders which made just raising my arms very painful. I started regular intermittent  fasting, normally 18/6 hours water fast with 2-3 times per week of prolonged fasting (24-36 hours). The infamation on my shoulders is almost completely gone and I can honestly say that my overall health is much better that I feel as if I am in my 30's again. 

I do believe that regular fasting will heal most health issues but for those who have serious medical conditions already, combining the use of the Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS), aka Chlorine Dioxide (CDS) may finally HEAL you.

Benefits of Fasting

Also watch Dr. Eric Berg's The Proven Benefits of Prolonged Fasting and Acceptable Liquids During Fasting


Chlorine Dioxide

If you are sick or know of a love one who is, dedicate an uninterrupted two hours and watch the video. Then, read the book. You are welcome.

Click HERE to watch the Universal Antidote

Click HERE to read Forbidden Health - Incurable was yesterday

Click HERE to order

Avini Health

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